Most people are familiar with the pain and inconvenience of a stiff neck, it could be something you wake up with or even develop later in the day after a strenuous activity. In most cases, pain and stiffness go away naturally within a week. However, how you manage and care for the stiff neck can affect pain levels, recovery time, and the likelihood of whether it will return.

A stiff neck is usually described by how sore it is and how difficult it is moving the neck, from side to side. It may also be accompanied by a headache, neck pain, shoulder pain even arm pain.

Symptoms can include the following;


  • Pain at the neck radiating to the shoulders or into the arm
  • Pain or aching at the top of the neck/base of the skull
  • Stiffness or restriction
  • Sharp twinges with turning or with unguarded movements
  • Associated headaches


If your symptoms are significant and impacting on everyday activities including sleep then you should seek help. This is an indication that your symptoms are severe enough that they may not settle by themselves and you may require.

If you are experiencing pain into the arm accompanied by numbness, tingling and pins and needles then you should seek help.

If you have experienced dizziness, nausea or visual blurring you should seek help immediately.


Neck pain is one of the most common complaints.  Neck pain is also one of the most common causes of headaches.   At Back2normal we utilise a number of techniques in line with our investigation to help relieve you from the pain. We undertake a great deal of hands on treatment – this may be soft tissue release, joint mobilisation or manipulation.

If you are struggling with neck pain, call us today at Back2normal on 07418 036213 or email [email protected] and find out how we can help you.

Neck and Arm Pain

We are seeing more and more patients with neck and arm pain at Back2normal.  In most cases pain has been building for a while, but becomes more frequent, more painful and cover more area over time.  Persistent pain is an indication that there is an underlying problem and needs to resolved as soon as possible.


  • Pain in the neck radiating to the top of the shoulder and into the upper arm
  • Pain on neck movement especially rotation (turning movements) and extension (looking overhead)
  • Pain can be nagging, achey & dull, interspersed with sharp, shooting pain on certain movements or unguarded movements
  • May be accompanied by numbness, tingling or pins & needles
  • The arm may feel or be heavy and weak
  • If you have unremitting pain shooting into the arm with numbness and pins and needles.



Problems with the neck are usually due to poor posture or weaknesses in the back muscles.  This can be made worse from sitting at a desk incorrectly, poor sleep and other emotional, chemical and physical stresses. Back2normal can help you increase your strength in order to safeguard your neck long term as well make other suggestions in order improve your sleeping position and posture.


Neck pain is one of the most common causes of headaches.   At Back2normal we utilise a number of techniques in line with our investigation to help relieve you from the pain. We undertake a great deal of hands on treatment – this may be soft tissue release, joint mobilisation or manipulation.

If you are struggling with neck pain, call us today at Back2normal on 07418 036213 or email [email protected] and find out how we can help you.

Nerve Pain

Nerve pain is different for everyone. For some, it’s a stabbing pain in the middle of the night. For others, symptoms can include a chronic prickling, tingling, or burning they feel all day. Some have even describe it as “walking on hot coals!”

Symptoms can include the following:


  • Severe pain in the neck and arm
  • Pain will be easily aggravated and sharp/stabbing when irritated
  • Constant background dragging, nagging, horrible pain
  • Pins and needles and tingling in the arm – this will be in specific fingers.


If you experience lower limb or body symptoms in addition to the above then you need to contact your GP immediately.


Radicular pain from the neck is caused when one of the nerves from the neck is being irritated to a significant amount. Nerves have a huge ability to cause pain as they themselves are the communication and pain pathways of the body. The nerves from the neck supply the sensation, reflexes and muscle strength to the upper arm. The most important differentiation when you experience symptoms like this is whether the nerve is being irritated alone or if it has been irritated enough to affect it’s ability to function


Our initial goal is to relieve the irritation to the nerves and subsequently relieve the pain the patient is suffering.  After investigation, Back2normal will be able to offer advice and using a number of techniques alongside gentle exercises.  Surgery may be an option in non-


If you are struggling with nerve pain, call us today at Back2normal on 07418 036213 or email [email protected] and find out how we can help you.


“Whiplash” is a slang word or colloquialism. The official diagnosis would be a “whiplash associated disorder” (WAD).

Whiplash is commonly associated with road accidents most commonly with rear impact collisions however, the injury can be sustained in other ways, including head banging, bungee jumping and falls. A wide variety of symptoms can be associated with whiplash injuries.


·      Neck and upper back aching and pain which may radiate to the shoulders

·      Upper limb symptoms including numbness and pins and needles

·      Headaches

·      May also experience some dizziness, nausea and, lack of ability to concentrate and irritability


At Back2normal we will investigate your symptoms and we will assess you thoroughly to ascertain if there is any associated neurology, central sensitisation, thoracic dysfunction or TMJ Disorders. Having a full picture of your clinical symptoms is essential to gaining the best results with treatment.

If you have had a car accident and struggling with pain, call us today at Back2normal on 07418 036213 or email [email protected] and find out how we can help you.