Chair bridge

Chair bridge

Chair Bridge is a great exercise that strengthens the hamstrings, glutes, core and lower back. It is common for one side to slightly tilt, but with strength from your hamstring, glute and especially your core, you can work on keeping your body stable and centered.  ...
Quadriceps stretch

Quadriceps stretch

While increased activity on your feet may lead to tight quads, so can inactivity. Sitting for hours reduces the amount of time you spend lengthening and shortening these muscles. With increased sitting, the quads become static and more resistant to lengthening or...
Calf Stretch

Calf Stretch

The calves are some of the most overused but overlooked muscles in the body. And if you run or wear heels regularly stretching your calves is a must. Too-tight calves aren’t only painful, they can lead to injuries including shin splints, calf pulls and stress...


As Chiropractors we take a different more holistic approach to assessing the potential causes of Tinnitus. We have found a strong correlation with the upper cervical spine (bones just beneath the bottom of the skull) dysfunction and symptoms such as tinnitus.  ...

Vegan Alternatives

Even if you are not vegan, you will be amazed to find lots of healthy, nutritious and yummy alternatives to other foods and ingredients that we use day to day. Here are a couple of alternatives to try either as substitutes in a recipe or on their own as part of meal...

Winter MOT for your body

Since the beginning of Spring,  we have been enjoying hours of daily sunshine. Have you noticed how much better our bones and muscles have responded in the warmer weather when exercising?  This is because in lower temperatures, the muscles feel tight to move and the...

Back to School

We all want the same for our children! We want them to be happy and healthy! And by getting into these relatively simple habits now is great for their future. School books might be a thing of the past as kids turn to using ipads and laptops but bags still need to be...

Seeing a chiropractor as a preventative measure

Many people think you can only see a chiropractor if referred by your GP or if you are suffering from pain. This is not true. While chiropractic care is indeed highly regarded for its scientifically proven benefits in reducing back pain, it is important to realize...